*All NASA images are available for FREE. We do this as to provide educators with material to help educate and inspire students and visitors to the benefits of space exploration through both manned and unmanned programs. All we ask is that appropriate credit be given in their use.
Contact us for higher resolutions of desired images.
STS 135 - Atlantis
We partnered with Full Dome FX to cover the final space shuttle mission. Collected was an assortment of images and sequences showing events such as the Rollover, Rollout, Pad Crawls, Launch, Landing and Tow Back.
We are making these available to all planetariums free of charge. The images and sequences will be available in PNG format at 2400 and 1024 resolutions. Each facility will need to adjust brightness, contrasts etc., for their specific systems. Collections of images will be released as zip files and made available as they become ready for distribution. Please check back with our sites for additional downloads.
The images are for in-house use only. If any planetarium wishes to include them in a distributed show they must first obtain written permission through GeoGraphics Imaging.
We hope you enjoy them!