AN001 - Galactic Journey
Duration: 200 seconds
HDTV 1920x1080, 60 fps
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN002 - Great Orion Nebula
Duration: 65 seconds
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN003 - Origin of Jupiter
Duration: 40 seconds
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x380, 29.97 fps
AN004 - Origin of the Solar System
Duration: 105 seconds
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN005 - Asteroid Approaching Earth
Duration: 66 seconds
HDTV 1920x1080, 60 fps
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN006 - Tunguska Event
Scene 1
Duration: 40 seconds
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN007 - Tunguska Event
Scene 2
Duration: 35 seconds
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN008 - Tunguska Event
Scene 3
Duration: 12 seconds
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN009 - Tunguska Event
Scene 4
Duration: 12 seconds
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN010 - Tunguska Event
Scene 5
Duration: 30 seconds
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN011 - Cretaceous Impact
Duration: 43 seconds
HDTV 1920x1080, 60 fps
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN012 - Black Hole
Duration: 140 seconds
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN013 - Descent into a
Black Hole
Duration: 65 seconds
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN014 - Nemesis Comet
Duration: 50 seconds
HDTV 1280x720, 29.97 fps
DV 720x480, 29.97 fps
AN001 - This "Powers of Ten" style animation transports you from Earth past the outer planets, through star fields and nebulae and ultimately to the edge of our Milky Way galaxy. This thumbnail is a composite of the opening and closing frames, since a single picture cannot capture the range of imagery in this three minute animation. Planet images courtesy of NASA.
AN002 - This animation begins with a night time view of the constellation Orion including over 200 stars down to visual magnitude 6.40. After traveling 1,600 light years we enter the Orion Nebula, closely passing the Trapezium star cluster. Our final destination is a protostar and a hypothetical, newborn planet buried deep within one of the "proplyds". Orion Nebula image courtesy of Robert Gendler.
AN003 - The evolution of the planet Jupiter.
AN004 - Bipolar jets of gas emanate from the protoplanetary disk in which our Solar System is taking shape. We enter the solar nebula and pass Kuiper Belt objects and several planets in formation. We finally arrive at Earth and watch it cool from a semi-molten protoplanet to the ocean-covered world we know today. Earth and Mars images courtesy of NASA.
AN005 - A hypothetical doomsday asteroid targets Earth. Earth images courtesy of NASA.
AN006 - The Tunguska impactor approaches Earth. Earth images courtesy of NASA.
AN007 - The Tunguska impactor begins its fiery descent into Earth's atmosphere. Earth images courtesy of NASA.
AN008 - A view of the Tunguska impactor from within its vapor trail. Earth images courtesy of NASA
AN009 - The Tunguska bolide moments before detonation. Earth images courtesy of NASA.
AN010 - Viewed from above, the detonation of the Tunguska impactor over Siberia shortly after 7 AM on June 30, 1908. Earth images courtesy of NASA.
AN011 - A six-mile wide asteroid slams into the northern tip of what is now the Yucatan peninsula at the close of the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago. This catastrophic impact may have been a factor in the extinction of the dinosaurs.
AN012 - A solar-mass black hole expels high-speed jets of gas.
AN013 - A journey into a black hole
AN014 - A swarm of comets enters the inner solar system. The barrrage is triggered by Nemesis, the hypothetical dwarf companion of the sun. Earth and moon images courtesy of NASA.